Helping you find the best fit for your insurance needs.
We’re here for you. Call us today at 1-800-220-8899
How Copeland Works For You
We have just one mission: to help beneficiaries get the most from their healthcare.
Helping people in the community is what we do, and what we’ve been doing since 1962. Throughout our time as a company, we’ve been helping people just like you to make sense of the confusion around Medicare and health insurance. When you work with us, you’ll be able to feel a sense of confidence in your decision — and we may even help you save money!
Our many licensed sales agents are located all over the country so they can better serve each region with a personalized and knowledgeable touch.
Copeland Office Locations
Carmelita Stanley
L&H Sales Manager
Christy Beatty
L&H Sales Agent
Donna Everett
L&H Sales Agent
Troy Lyons
L&H Sales Agent
Paula Plasterer
L&H Sales Agent
Basilia Burks
Licensed Sales Agent
Sherry Hoppman
L&H Sales Agent
Lisa Butler
P&C Sales Manager
Teresa Bowling
P&C Agent
Joanie Cavaliere
Sales Manager
Sonja Jean Everettt
P&C Agent
Kathy Parrott
P&C Agent
Christopher Presley
P&C Agent
Gerri Lynn Thompson
P&C Agent
Holly Weissinger
P&C Agent
Paula Rodriquez
P&C Accounting Clerk
Tammy Frazier
Inside Sales Director
Kandi Carter
L&H Agent
Kyla Hampton
L&H Agent
Ashley Hodge
L&H Agent
Dylan Richardson
L&H Agent
Carmen Smith
L&H Agent
Erin Miley
Office Admin
Holly Daniels
Office Admin
Denise Reid
Sales & Marketing Director
Lindsey Michelle High
Sales Manager
Robin Cox
L&H Sales Agent
Donna Liberto
Elsa Isais
Sales & Marketing Director
Marta Montero
Sales Manager
Patrick M Banasihan
Office Admin
Josie Banasihan
L&H Sales Agent
Dirk Blankenship
L&H Sales Agent
Deborah Denise Gonzalez
Office Manager
Alejandra Ruiz
Sales & Marketing Director
Dwayne Gueno
Sales & Marketing Director
Jay Copeland
Sales Manager
Richard Dalbey
L&H Agent
Sheryl Lee Dickenson
L&H Agent
Alivia Stanphill
Licensed Agent
Brady Pierce
Office Admin
Mykaela Garza
Office Admin
Javier Bermudez
Sales & Marketing Director
Joe De Hoyes
L&H Sales Agent
Marla Cherry
P&C Agent
Ilica Gonzalez
P&C Agent
Monica Sandoval Arellano
Danny Vasquez
L&H Agent
Amie Dorsey
L&H Sales Manager
Erica Prado
P&C Agent
Leah Bennett
Property & Casualty Director
Alexa Chavez
P&C Agent
Melissa Coffee
P&C Agent